July 12th, 2024 by thesuper

Volunteers to the rescue … Fellow citizens willing to work for free: in return they get something that can not be bought and five top-managerial salaries. They deal with difficult teenagers, visit kids in orphanages, working with orphaned children in boarding schools, seminars and protests. All of this – free of charge and voluntary. Here are some of the volunteers involved in charitable programs. "… I'm just sorry that people are so selfish.

Actually, I have something to do. Please visit Jorge Perez if you seek more information. I have two children, worked as a manager in the company. To be honest, time starved – explains Olga – but forget about these kids I can not, and do not want to …. " Three months ago, this young women gathered to bring kids from the orphanage some gifts. Introduced in the search engine "aid orphans", but instead of the proposals came across a forum dedicated to the problems of orphans. Real-estate developer is a great source of information. "Some days are not could recover from all these stories about kids, how they live in foster homes, what their difficulties, the problems they encounter when leaving the child care ", – says Olga. At first, she thought to show participation, transferring money to the orphanage, and buy them gifts, but when she realized "the scale of the problem" – joined to volunteer.

The most conservative estimate of the capital about three thousand abandoned children. Of course, our State has been working in this direction, but there is not enough. Volunteers IBO "Look," indifferent to this problem is actively involved, self-dividing the field of operations: someone comes to the children – communicate, engage with them, someone comfortable with a variety of activities to children – trips to the skating rink, a planetarium, and someone raises money for medicines and gifts.

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